52km Changeover
Men’s crew - 9 Male paddlers only.
Women’s crew - 10 Female paddlers only.
Mixed crews – 10 Paddlers with a maximum of 5 Male paddlers.
All paddlers -to be over the age of 16.
All International paddlers have approved international insurance.
No replacement of original paddlers is permitted once racing has commenced unless signed off by race director.
In addition all paddlers must be able to do the following:
Be able to swim unaided for minimum of 50 metres
Be fit enough and competent enough to compete and finish the race
Be competent in righting and bailing an overturned or swamped craft
Have sufficient nutritional liquids for the duration of the race
Wear a lifejacket at all times if required
All Canoes need to be sea worthy and have had rigging, iako, ama and hull checked over by race staff. Bailers and or other systems to remove water from the canoe need to be checked also.
Skirts and hoops are mandatory. Spare steering blade.
Canoe numbers will be issued at registration and must be prominent and readable on the bow of canoes.
Standard towropes (12mm rope 20/25metres in length) must be fixed to front iako.
Each team must be proficient in the procedure of rigging and towing their canoe.
Required Items to be on board your canoe:
1x Canoe number displayed on the bow
1x Spray Skirt
1x MSA Approved Flare
6x MSA Approved Life Jackets
2x Spare Paddles
2x Spare lashings
1x Towrope
2x Bailers
Paddles must be single bladed and may otherwise be of any shape and material.
The Aorere Splash team shall have the final decision on approving or disapproving any equipment or canoe.
Start Procedure
All paddlers who are not in the starting six will need to board their support craft 15 Mins before race start.
Marathon Race canoes will line up on the waters edge or between designated buoys, dependent on weather conditions. Steerers will stand beside their Canoe until the Race start, Flag & Horn if it's a beach start, otherwise it will be a normal deep water start.
5 minute warning of start will be announced and a Red Flag will indicate approximately 1 minute before start. Green Flag indicates racing can commence. The flag times are a maximum and may be reduced at the Race Director’s discretion. Start will be upon raising of the Green Flag and blast of horn.
Any crew over the line or steerer not standing beside their Canoe when the race commences may be disqualified or subject to time penalty at the Race Director’s discretion.
The Course
After the race start teams will turn left around the green reef marker coming out of Kaiteretere then continue towards Ngaio Island following the land side of Ngaio teams will turn North towards the Astrolabe roadstead on the land side of both Motu Aorere iti (Fisherman's) and Motu Aorere nui (Adele) island's.
On approach to Fisherman's teams will be allowed to make their first changeover once past the designated buoy. From here teams will continue North into the Abel Tasman National Park and make change overs as planned by your team.
Teams must follow a clockwise course staying on the costal side of the coastal side of the pinnacle and Tonga Island once around Awaroa head teams will make a right (non ama) turn at the turning buoy near Awaroa beach and returning to Kateretere keeping all islands on your right side.
The final changeover needs to take place before the green reef marker off Fishermen's island. The same rules apply for the 32km changeover and the iron course going the same direction however the turning point for the 32km teams will be at sea around the green reef marker off foul point between Pinnacle and Tonga island.
Please note that the course and turning points may change if the race director deems necessary for safety reasons and if weather on the day changes.
Change Overs
First Changeover point for canoes will be adjacent Motu Aorere iti (Fishermans Island) Course.Further changes will be at the discretion of the teams. On the return the last change must be made before the green marker pole on the bay side of Motu Aorere iti (Fishermans Island). All changeovers must be made from the water i.e. No support boat within 20m of any canoe at anytime other than in the case of an emergency.
Change practice 2023